爱酒莎莎 发表于 2013-4-28 22:32:06



Why does wine give me headaches; sulfites, right?
Wrong. Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number
of people, even death in extreme cases, which is why there's a warning on
the bottle, but sulfites don't cause headaches. Wine headaches are a
serious issue, but the causes are highly personal. Some people get
headaches only from red wine and some get them just from, say, German
wine. It has to do with histamines and all sorts of other complex science.
It really is best to talk with your doctor about this.


But wines in Europe don't have sulfites, right?
Wrong. All wines contain sulfites (it's a natural byproduct of the
winemaking process) and almost all wines contain added sulfites, all over
the world. It's just that the U.S. has required a sulfite warning for many
years and Europe started doing that more recently.


爱酒莎莎 发表于 2013-4-28 22:32:14


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